Amazon Dash Buttons Ruled Illegal in Germany

Found on Gizmodo on Saturday, 12 January 2019
Browse Legal-Issues

The watchdog organization complained that Amazon’s terms enable the company to switch out an ordered product with something else, and the buttons break laws protecting shoppers from buying things they are not fully informed about, according to Reuters.

“The decision is not only against innovation, it also prevents customers from making an informed choice for themselves about whether a service like Dash Button is a convenient way for them to shop,” the spokesperson said.

Of course Amazon thinks the ruling is bad. On the other hand, ordering a specific product and instead getting some replacement without notification isn't what the majority of consumers would like. Same for price changes. Generally, shopping everyday products via Amazon is pretty retarded anyway; and even if you have to order them, looking at the seller's own, non-Amazon shop can be a really good idea because more often than not, the identical product is sold for less there.