Thanks to "consent" buried deep in sales agreements, car manufacturers are tracking tens of millions of US cars

Found on Boing Boing on Saturday, 27 January 2018
Browse Technology

Millions of new cars sold in the US and Europe are "connected," having some mechanism for exchanging data with their manufacturers after the cars are sold; these cars stream or batch-upload location data and other telemetry to their manufacturers, who argue that they are allowed to do virtually anything they want with this data, thanks to the "explicit consent" of the car owners -- who signed a lengthy contract at purchase time that contained a vague and misleading clause deep in its fine-print.

After being asked on multiple occasions what the company does with collected data, Natalie Kumaratne, a Honda spokeswoman, said that the company “cannot provide specifics at this time.”

If you collect the personal data of customers, you have to provide specifics at any time; and explain what you are using the data for. Furthermore, if the car is bought on the second-hand market, the owner has never signed any agreement with the manufacturer, so continuing to collect the data will be in a very grey, if not illegal, area.