How will you look after Botox? 3D scans could give you a preview

Found on New Scientist on Friday, 14 October 2016
Browse Science

Molton has now tried this on 200 patients, and says it has allowed him to assess their treatment results in a more accurate and unbiased way. “When you place filler in certain parts of the face, it’s not just that part that reacts,” says Molton. “If you put it in the side of the cheeks, there’s an upward lift of the jawline as well.”

If people think they are being shown exactly how they will look, they may end up feeling disappointed, says Hussain. “We see this with rhinoplasty. Some surgeons use computer generations to show what their noses might look like, but you can’t always get that result surgically.”

Or you could just accept that you are getting old, instead of injecting some bacteria's neurotoxic proteins under your skin.