BitTorrent to ISPs: Pay us and our users to stay in the “slow lane”

Found on Ars Technica on Thursday, 11 September 2014
Browse Filesharing

With fast lanes, money would flow "from your favorite websites to the ISPs, the very same companies you already pay to deliver Internet service to your home," he wrote in a blog post scheduled to go live at this link at 1:30pm ET. "In this model, the ISPs get paid twice, both to provide their service and regulate heavy-use companies, like Netflix."

Government Accountability Office researchers who studied data caps say that wireline ISPs told them "that congestion is not currently a problem." In other words, data caps on home Internet service are for making money rather than managing congestion—and paid fast lanes would be too.

ISPs need to improve their networks anyway. Even if for now they can blame filesharers as heavy users, traffic and bandwidth requirements won't go down in the future.