Kim DotCom's 'Mega' goes live

Found on CNet News on Saturday, 19 January 2013
Browse Filesharing

"Site is extremely busy. Currently thousands of user registrations PER MINUTE." And indeed, as of this writing the site was difficult to access at times, perhaps because of heavy traffic.

DotCom's earlier cyber storage locker, MegaUpload, was launched in 2005, only to be shuttered by U.S. federal agencies, which argued that it was a service pirates were using to facilitate copyright infringement.

"You have companies like Dropbox and Google with Drive with materially similar technologies," Rothken said. "and they are in business and they're thriving -- and Mega adds encryption."

One year passed, and the US has still not made a single successful accusation; only one embarrassing failure after another came to light, showing how much influence the entertainment industry seems to have on the US political and legal systems. They picked Kimble because of his past, assuming he would make a perfect target and serve as a prime example of a piracy mastermind. Turns out they were wrong.