Firefox will encrypt web domain name requests by default

Found on Engadget on Monday, 09 September 2019
Browse Software

Mozilla's Firefox privacy protections will soon include one of the most basic tasks for any web browser: fielding the domain name requests that help you visit websites. The developer will make DNS over encrypted HTTPS the default for the US starting in late September, locking down more of your web browsing without requiring an explicit toggle like before.

If all goes smoothly, Firefox may become a go-to option for anyone who insists on securing as much of their web traffic as possible.

So, in their infinite wisdom, Mozilla decided to mess with an perfectly fine core protocol of the Internet, making it harder for system admins to trace down problems and circumventing custom DNS settings which are used to effectively avoid malware and advertising domains. Even worse, they wrap DNS requests into HTTP, adding more layers to the transport of a basic request. To top it all, they have the gall to accounce it as a much needed solution for your privacy while sending all DNS requests to Cloudflare; totally ignoring the fact that DNS over TLS already exists and is working fine and even has its own RFC.