WordPress team working on daring plan to forcibly update old websites

Found on ZD Net on Friday, 09 August 2019
Browse Internet

The goal of this plan is to improve the security of the WordPress ecosystem, and the internet as a whole, since WordPress installations account for more than 34% of all internet websites.

The plan is to slowly auto-update old WordPress sites, starting with v3.7, to the current mimum supported version, which is the v4.7 release.

If only a few individual sites break, than those site will be rolled back to their previous versions and the owner will be notified via email.

This is going to be fun. Lots of breaking is to be expected and tons of websites will suddenly fail to work as they did before. Even if they do it in little steps, there is no way to tell if a plugin stops working as expected, or if themes display like before. Be sure to order tons of popcorn when this plan is put into action.