Millions Upon Millions Of 'Takedown' Notices To Google... For Links That Aren't Even In Google

Found on Techdirt on Friday, 28 December 2018
Browse Filesharing

For years, the RIAA and MPAA have pointed to the millions upon millions of takedown notices sent to Google as "evidence" that the DMCA notice-and-takedown process doesn't work.

Google removed none of the links requested. Obviously, it can't remove the non-indexed ones, but it appears that even when they were in Google's index, they were deemed non-infringing or, in some cases, duplicates to URLs that had already been received in earlier takedowns.

Of all of the latest requests from the RIAA, I noticed that, once again, it shows no removals by Google. Why? Because the RIAA is submitting duplicates of URLs already removed.

Wait, the entertainment industry is lying and making up numbers? Gosh, who would have thought of that?