Would you pay $700, plus a monthly fee, for a digital license plate?

Found on Ars technica on Monday, 02 July 2018
Browse Technology

At first glance, this electronic device looks exactly like a traditional, stamped metal license plate. The new digital plate has the same scripted CALIFORNIA icon up top and uses the exact same size and font to show the numbers and letters.

The device also contains an RFID and GPS chip that allow me to see where my car is at any given moment, to voluntarily track my trips (think an Uber or Lyft-style ride map), and to even optionally display DMV-approved customized messages in a small font below the plate number itself.

That's one of the most useless and dumbest "inventions" ever made; but some hipsters will sure buy it and then cry out when they find out that they get tracked. Or when someone just bumps into their oh-so-shiney toy.