Cloud-seeding ships could combat climate change

Found on Physics World on Saturday, 06 September 2008
Browse Future

It should be possible to counteract the global warming associated with a doubling of carbon dioxide levels by enhancing the reflectivity of low-lying clouds above the oceans, according to researchers in the US and UK.

The idea relies on the "Twomey effect", which says that increasing the concentration of water droplets within a cloud raises the overall surface area of the droplets and thereby enhances the cloud's albedo.

The 300-tonne unmanned ships used to seed the clouds would be powered by the wind, but would not use conventional sails.

Terraforming. Basically, they are trying to fight the results of a problem with an untested idea on a global scale instead of taking care of the cause. They don't even know the side effects. You can achieve a global cooling way easier with a nuclear winter. The results are just as untested.